Missed Appointments
In January there were 139 missed appointments which equates 2,409 minutes wasted. Please let us know if you won't be attending your appointment and we can offer it to someone else.
Carers Group Launch
IT support Sessions
Please note change of day at Henry Brown.
Understanding Menopause
Click to view Understanding Menopause - with QR code to download information booklet
Cost of Living Support
Targeted Lung Health Checks
Kinson Road Medical Centre is taking part in the Target Lung Health Check Programme. It is a new service in Dorset that will be offered to those aged 55 to 74 who are current or former smokers. Following an initial telephone conversation with a health professional, then if appropriate a face-to-face Lung Health Check with a nurse, a simple scan can be arranged if needed which can identify signs of lung conditions at an early stage when treatment is likely to be more successful- saving lives. For more information, please visit the dedicated Dorset Lung Health Checks webpage.
We will contact you if you are eligible for a free check.
Carers Definition
Does this definition of carer apply to you? If so and you are not already registered as a carer please click here